Digital signature - Electronic invoice

Dai Thinh Phat is a first-class digital signature service agent of Viettel, Newca specializing in new registration, extension of digital signatures with the cheapest table in Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Dong Nai, Binh Duong … with numbers Amount (both wholesale and retail) up to nearly 3000 digital signatures monthly. Call us now if you have just established a new business or need to renew your digital signature at the best price.

The price list of Viettel digital signatures from May 2020

The price list of Viettel digital signature applies to newly registered businesses
Package name / time of use Actual price
CA 2-1 / 12 month 1.826.0000đ 1.350.000đ
CA 2-2/ 24 month 2.741.000đ 1.900.000đ
CA 2-3 / 36 month 3.109.000đ 2.100.000đ
The price list of digital signatures includes 10% VAT


Renewal list of Viettel digital signatures, for businesses that expire their digital signatures
Renewal period Invoice price
12 month 1.276.000đ 1.100.000đ
24 month 2.191.000đ 1.700.000đ
36 month 2.909.000đ 1.990.000đ
Price list of digital signature services includes VAT 10%


Price list of NEWCA digital signatures from May 2020

NEWCA digital signature price list applies to new registrars
Package name / time of use Price
CA 2-1 / 12 month 1.760.0000đ 1.300.000đ
CA 2-2/ 24 month 2.640.000đ 1.750.000đ
CA 2-3 / 36 month 2.970.000đ 1.800.000đ
Bảng giá dịch vụ chữ ký số trên đã bao gồm thuế VAT 10%


NEWCA digital signature renewal price list, for companies that expire digital signatures
Renewal period Price
12 month 1.275.0000đ 800.000đ
24 month 2.090.000đ 1.320.000đ
36 month 2.970.000đ 1.610.000đ
Bảng báo giá chữ ký số trên đã bao gồm thuế VAT 10%


According to Clause 1, Article 3 of Circular No. 32/2011 / TT-BTC of March 14, 2011 of the Ministry of Finance:

Electronic invoice is a collection of data messages about goods sale and service provision created, made, sent, received, stored and managed electronically.

Electronic invoices are created, made and processed on the computer system of organizations that have been granted tax identification numbers when selling goods and services and stored on computers of the parties in accordance with the law. electronic transactions.

Electronic invoices include: export invoices, value added invoices, sales invoices, other invoices including: tcm, tickets, cards, insurance receipts, …; air freight bill, international freight bill, bank service charge receipt, form and content made according to international practices and relevant laws. Quan

E-invoice guarantee principle: determine the invoice number according to the principle of continuity and chronological order, each guaranteed invoice number is only made and used only once.

2/ Eligibility conditions of electronic invoices

  • There is a sufficiently reliable assurance of the integrity of the information contained in the electronic invoice since the information created in the final form is electronic invoice. Criteria for evaluating integrity are information that is complete and has not been changed, in addition to changes in appearance arising in the process of exchanging, storing or displaying electronic invoices.
  • Information contained in electronic invoices is accessible and usable in complete form when necessary.

3/ Thủ tục phát hành hóa đơn điện tử

  • Muốn phát hành hóa đơn này, doanh nghiệp phải có quyết định áp dụng hóa đơn điện tử ( soạn thảo theo mẫu số 1, ban hành kèm thông tư 32)
  • Thông báo phát hành hóa đơn điện tử, gửi tới cơ quan quản lý, gửi lên trang thông tin điện tử của Tổng cục thuế (theo mẫu số 02 ban hành kèm thông tư 32)
  • Tiến hành ký số vào hóa đơn mẫu rồi gửi tới cơ quan quản lý thuế